DATE : 29.11.06 (Wednesday)
Venue : Sree Ramakrishna Sevasramam
The celebration function of the 24th Anniversary of Sree Ramakrishna Sevasram, Cochin, was inaugurated by Kerala, IG, Smt. Sree Lekha, IPS. About 300 students and 100 other invitees participated in this event. The Cochin PM Parivar joined in this celebration, to spread the awareness about Paryavaran Mitra.
BSSM, Mr. Cyriac Thomas and Mr. T D Ramakrishnan, AM (Appl) made the PowerPoint presentation of PM activities detailing the core activities planned. The Ashram officials were very impressed on the initiatives taken by a corporate body like, Bajaj for a noble cause. They have evinced keen interest in having a meeting with our Respected President, Smt. Kiran Bajaj.
After the presentation, with a view to draw attention of the children, a painting competition on the theme of “Nature” was conducted and about 150 Children from various schools participated for painting competition.
24 th Anniversary of Sree Ramakrishna Sevasram, Cochin , the celebration was inaugurated by Kerala IG, Mrs. Sree Lekha, IPS.
BSSM, Cochin briefing Ashram members and students on PM initiatives
View of students at the Ashram.
BSSM, Cochin and other PM Parivar Members participating in the programme
View of gathering